
Number System

 Number System:-

     Basically there are 2 type of number system 
              1-Real number System.
              2-Complex number System.

 Real number system:

        The real numbers is the set of numbers containing all of the rational numbers and all of the irrational numbers. The real numbers are “all the numbers” on the number line. There are infinitely many real numbers just as there are infinitely many numbers in each of the other sets of numbers. 
      There are different types of real numbers such as,
1 Natural numbers(N)={1,2,3...}
2 Whole numbers(W)={0,1,2,3...}
3 Integers(Z) ={...-3,-2,-1,0,+1,+2,+3...}
4 Rational numbers(Q)(p/q,q!= 0,p,q belongs to Z)
5 Irrational numbers(Q')(numbers which are not rational)
 Below is a diagram of real number system

Real numbers

Complex Number System:

         Numbers which can be represented in the form of a+ib(i is a imaginary number,i=√-1)& a,b belongs to Z.
Complex numbers


 Relation:                    A  relation  R  over a set  X  can be seen as a set of ordered pairs   ( x ,  y )  of members of  X.          ...